Spritualisasi dan Konfigurasi Pendidikan Karakter Berparadigma Kebangsaan dalam Kurikulum 2013


  • Mukhibat Mukhibat

Kata Kunci:

Spiritualisasi, pendidikan karakter, kurikulum 2013


The orientation of education that over-relies on IQ makes human encountered by humanitarian crises. Such circumstance requires human to have adequate spirituality as a solution to overcome the crisis. With a critical analysis, this study aims to uncovering how the spiritual moral underlay all “Core Competencies†(Kompetensi Inti) in the 2013 Curriculum for all subjects at all levels of education. Spirituality as an effort to build the national character in the 2013 Curriculum can be seen at KI which interrelated each other including: spiritual (KI 1), social (KI 2), knowledge (KI 3), and skills (KI 4). Ultimately, the source of spiritual and moral values in education is the character from all of religions in Indonesia, which is the universal value that explicitly refers to the concept of the unity of human creation.




