Pendidikan Karakter Berwawasan Lingkungan di Gorontalo


  • Ridwan Tohopi

Kata Kunci:

Pendidikan Karakter, Taman Laut Nasional Olele Gorontalo


This paper discusses about environementally-base on educational character in the National Olele Gorontalo, a national sea-park. Social reality in the seapark environment indicate that there is  excrement pollution. Actually, the problem has been handling intelectually, but it was failure because not resemble with moral-spiritual care.  Therefore, solution of the problem should be done through educational character by gathering and combining some principles, values, norms, law regulations and  religeous  teachings. This condition encourages the writer to use the method of snowbowling sample survey. That is to study the phenomena on the effort to overcome the excrement pollution in the sea park, through educational character based on environmental perspective. There are three main pillar of educational character; namely, amar ma’ruf, nahi munkar and tu’minuna bil-Allah. These three main values should become fundamental moral rationality to build society’s awareness to their environment. Human, as a the highest quality creature; who have logic and thought, should keep and preserve the sea, not to destroy it or just take advantages from it without taking potential risks into account in the future.




