Video Scenario Of “Seven Waves Of Islamic Civilization In Nusantara”: An Efforts To Shape The Nation's Collective Memory


  • Govar Arian Laleno IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo
  • Didin Saripudin Education University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Agus Mulyana Education University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Leli Yulifar Education University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Historical Understanding, Madrasa Santris, Historical Narrative, Nation's Collective Memory


This research is based on the interest of the researcher in the perspectives of the madrasa Santris in understanding their Islamic history in Nusantara. This study reveals facts about the historical and cultural inheritance system of Islamic boarding school, which has formed variants of historical understanding in madrasas in Indonesia which are considered different, even contradictory with the historical understanding in formal school learning. The benefit of this research is, as data and information of understanding variant of the nation history and culture among madrasas Santris in Indonesia, which is useful for the Education Office and the Ministry of Religion, as the education manager in the formal and Islamic one. The main generalization of this research is how big the gap in historical understanding among the santri and the students of formal schools is, as big as the possibility of the nation's generation division in the future. The result is that they differ in: 1) understanding the past; 2) interpret the present, and; 3) designing the future. This situation will make them different in thought, direction and heart in development. This situation will form groups that weaken each other in building the nation's civilization, which is a big loss for national development. The main recommendation of this research is to propose the formulation of a fair formal national historical narrative concerning the role of the Nusantara Muslims in their national history in some videos as an efforts to shape the nation's collective memory


