Development of The Indonesian Islamic Education Curriculum In The Era of Globalization Challanges: Study of The Thoughts of Indonesian Islamic Education Figures


  • Muhamad Ishaac Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin

Kata Kunci:

Islamic Curriculum., Figures, Globalization, Challenges.


The challenges of modern progress in the era of globalization require various changes, especially in the field of Islamic education. Islamic education as the main forum for producing the nation's generation is expected to be able to adapt to changing times in the era of globalization. Including in terms of curriculum development, which is the main basis for the success of Islamic education, it must be able to continue to innovate in facing the challenges of the times as well as maintaining its identity as part of instilling Islamic values in the era of globalization. This is the focus of research in this study in revealing the thoughts of contemporary Islamic education figures in the context of developing the Islamic education curriculum in the era of globalization. This research uses a qualitative approach to literature study in several scientific journals and books related to research. The results of this research explain that contemporary Islamic education figures such as Abdurrahman Wahid, Azyumardi Azra, Hasan Langgulung, and Amin Abdullah have attempted to express their thoughts in developing an Islamic education curriculum in Indonesia in facing the challenges of globalization, using a cultural, skills and human nature approach. It is hoped that it can become a basis for developing the Indonesian Islamic education curriculum in facing the challenges of globalization

