This journal focuses on Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought. It dedicates as public space to develop and promote Islamic thought, idea, and philosophy based on the original research and current issues, such as the following but not limited to these specific issues;

  • Living Qur'an and Living Hadith: Quranic/Hadith daily lives practiced by the certain Muslim community,
  • Islam and local wisdom: relation of Islam and culture, the practice of Islamic teaching in the Muslim community, and other local culture practiced by the certain Muslim community
  • Islam and Politic: Islamic radicalism, Islamic activism/movement, state and religion relation, and the dynamic of Islamic political party
  • Inter-religious dialogue: interaction and relation between Muslim and non-Muslim community in the daily lives, religious harmony, and policy about the religious relation in certain communities or countries
  • Islamic Philosophy: the Muslim philosopher thought which is contextualizing with the current Muslim community life; and
  • Other issues which are socially, culturally, and politically correlate to the Islamic and Muslim community development.