Determinan Niat Untuk Menggunakan Uang Elektronik Syariah : Integrasi TAM dengan Persepsi Religiusitas


  • Diana Nabilatul Arifah Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
  • Sulistya Rusgianto Universitas Airlangga Surabaya


Kata Kunci:

Sharia Elctronic Money, Tecnology Acceptence Model, Perception of Religiosity, Riba


The benefits of a transaction can be seen from how the payment system runs efficiently by using the minimum possible cost. the use of e-money is growing very rapidly in Indonesia, but the use of Islamic electronic money is still low. research that can identify factors that have the possibility to influence consumer intention to use electronic money or sharia e-money so as to increase its use in Indonesia. In this study, researchers want to integrate the Tecnology Acceptence model or commonly called TAM which is considered a simple model but has a strong role in predicting and explaining behavioral acceptance intentions with perceived religiosity. this study also considers knowledge of Riba (KR) as a moderating variable that can weaken and strengthen the intention to use Islamic e-money which has not been considered by many other studies. The method used quantitative method with 172 samples with data analysis techniques using structural equation modeling (SEM) This study found that the integration of the TAM model and perceived religiosity (PR) can explain the intention to use Sharia electronic money (INT) by 60%. SN, PEU, PR have a positive and significant effect on INT. KR can also moderate the relationship between SN and INT.

Biografi Penulis

Diana Nabilatul Arifah, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya




Sulistya Rusgianto, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya




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Cara Mengutip

Nabilatul Arifah, D., & Rusgianto, S. (2023). Determinan Niat Untuk Menggunakan Uang Elektronik Syariah : Integrasi TAM dengan Persepsi Religiusitas. Al-Buhuts, 19(1), 39–56.


