Memaknai Ulang Hukum Poligami; Telaah Pandangan Rasyid Ridha Mengenai Surat Al-Nisā’ Ayat 3


  • Badrul Jihad Al-Azhar University Cairo, Mesir



polygamy, Rasyid Ridha, Islamic jurisprudence, women


This article aims to explain Rasyid Ridha’s view in responding the law of polygamy as stated in chapter al-Nisā’ verse 3. Polygamy is a discourse that has long been discussed in-depth in Islamic jurisprudence. Rasyid Ridha as a reformist figure in the modern age criticized and reviewed the law of polygamy that had been established in Islamic jurisprudence. This criticism was expressed by Rasyid Ridha because he saw that many people did not understand the essence of the verse about polygamy and then they misused it, so that many families did not achieve the goal of a harmonious marriage (sakīnah, mawaddah, and rahmah), and it even gave rise to wide and alarming social problems. Rasyid Ridha specifically discuss this theme in al-Manār chapter al-Nisā’ verse 3 and also in his book Huqūq al-Nisā’ fi al-Islām (Women’s Rights in Islam). This research shows that Rasyid Ridha views polygamy as something that is permissible but has very strict conditions. In addition, polygamy can only be practiced in an emergency, because the ideal marriage in Islam is monogamy.


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How to Cite

Badrul Jihad. (2022). Memaknai Ulang Hukum Poligami; Telaah Pandangan Rasyid Ridha Mengenai Surat Al-Nisā’ Ayat 3. Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari: Jurnal Studi Islam Dan Interdisipliner, 7(1), 39–51.