
  • Bambang Rianto Bambang

Kata Kunci:

Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, Evaluasi, Model CIPP


The Arabic language learning program at Elementary School in Gorontalo City is the policy of Gorontalo City Education Office. The main problem is how the implementation of Arabic language learning program at Elementary School in Gorontalo City. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of Arabic learning program at elementary school in Gorontalo city. The research method used is the CIPP model evaluation research method. The CIPP model program evaluation component includes context, input, process, and product. A context evaluation is conducted to evaluate the program's background. An input evaluation is conducted to evaluate the program's support resources. Process evaluation is done to evaluate program implementation. Evaluation of results conducted to evaluate the results of the implementation of the program. The findings of the study seen from the context of the program is the background of the program according to the vision of the government of Gorontalo and schools. The result of SWOT analysis, internally has less strength and externally has less chance. This can be seen from the potential of school less appropriate. The program is a supporting resource that includes materials, tools and people. In terms of materials is not available a complete curriculum and teaching materials. Tools and media used only limited to conventional. Educators are not yet in accordance with academic qualifications and educational background, so teachers do not have pedagogical and professional competence. Students do not have basic competencies, because learning is applied simultaneously. Implementation of the program in learning in terms of preparation has not been made and filled completely. Implementation of learning has not been fully implemented properly. Results of the program in the form of student achievement for one semester.Perolehan average value of students are above the value of KKM. This means that the learning of Arabic is declared complete.




Cara Mengutip

Bambang, B. R. (2017). IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB DI SEKOLAH DASAR DI KOTA GORONTALO. Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari: Jurnal Studi Islam Dan Interdisipliner, 1(1), 17–28. Diambil dari