Unraveling the Relevance of Bloom’s Taxonomic Hierarchy in PAI Learning in the 21st Century


  • Karunia Hazyimara UIN Alauddin Makassar


Learning in the modern century is required to align with digital advances that occur, because the needs of students in the midst of digital advances are different from previous times. This alignment is intended to produce students who have competence and competitiveness so that they can create civilization in the future. Bloom's taxonomy as a hierarchy that identifies a person's skill level is commonly used in Indonesian education. Seeing this reality, this study aims to review the relevance of Bloom's taxonomy to PAI learning in the 21st century. This research approach is qualitative type of library research. The source of research data used is literature in the field of Islamic education, especially the taxonomy of Benjamin S. Bloom. Data collection is done by tracing related references, both manually and digitally. Data analysis techniques are carried out using content analysis. The results of this study show that Bloom's taxonomy is a hierarchy that has undergone maximum refinement that can identify the skill level of students. Through Bloom's taxonomy, PAI learning can be designed to improve the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of learners. Levels in each domain can be a reference for teachers in planning learning in class. 21st century learning that leads to learners' 6C competence can be realized through the implementation of Bloom's taxonomy in PAI learning.

