The Urgency of Digital Literacy in Character Education Through Halal Lifestyle Content


  • Dwi Vita Lestari Soehardi STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman Riau Islands

Kata Kunci:

Digital Literacy, Character building, Islamic education, Halal Lifestyle


Character education for students is a serious concern in the digital era. Currently, there is a change in generation Z's habitual patterns in using technology. Generation Z spends quite a lot of time accessing social media. Of course, this can influence the mindset and attitudes of Generation Z. One alternative for implementing character education is to utilize information technology platforms. Digital Literacy is an urgent need. Awareness of being wise in choosing content will greatly influence the smooth process of implementing character education. Educational content about Halal Lifestyle is very necessary to increase knowledge of religious literacy. This research uses a qualitative approach with library methods. This Library Research uses content analysis techniques from documented library sources and/or data. The results of this research show that character formation with digital literacy containing Islamic education is something that is very urgent to implement. The research results obtained are the importance of: (1) Strengthening Understanding of Character Education, (2) Strengthening character-based Digital Literacy, and (3) Halal Lifestyle Education Content

