The Effect Of Codification Of Islamic Education Curriculum On The Progress Of HMPS MPAI FAI UAD In The Perspective Of Al-Farabi, Ibn Khaldun, & Alghazali


  • Mohammad Jailani Institut Studi Islam Muhammadiyah Pacitan

Kata Kunci:

Codification of Islamic education, Curriculum, Ulama, HMPS MPAI UAD


This study focuses on addressing issues related to Islamic scientific disciplines from the perspective of scholars and their implications for the curriculum and progress of the HMPS MPAI UAD study program (Student Association of Masters in Islamic Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta). As a sailboat safari in the progress of Islamic education today. The approach used in this research is methodical, where the data sought is by the context of the problem (gap), while the analysis used is. Semantic review content analysis explores all references to Islamic religious education until it is saturated. This study puts forward the role of previous scholars as a reference for Islamic religious education curricula, such as al-Farabi who implements knowledge to santri based on ontology fundamentals, the truth of Islamic references, and benefits. Al-Ghazali gives value in terms of material and Islamic knowledge. Ibn Khaldun gave knowledge of naqliyah and 'aqliyah. This affects the development of the PAI curriculum until now more rapid. One of them in this case is HMPS MPAI UAD taking a stand in developing policies and student work programs in the progress of the MPAI study program. Among them is the progress of scientific publications that focus on Islamic studies, Arabic teaching, and Islamic education, the 3 centers of reasoning of al-Ghazali, ibn Khaldun, and al-Farabi as systematic reinforcement in Islamic theory.

