Religious Moderation Approach In Learning Moral Creed


  • Febrianto Hakeu Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Keguruan, Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo Utara
  • Ritmon Amala IAIN sultan Amai Gorontalo

Kata Kunci:

Akidah Akhlak, Religious Moderation, Shortcut


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Religious Moderation Approach in learning Akidah Akhlak in the Al-Azhfar Integrated MTs North Gorontalo. Through holistic data collection methods, including classroom observation, interviews with teachers and students, and curriculum analysis, this study highlights the successful application of religious moderation approaches in the context of Islamic education. The results showed that teachers managed to integrate spiritual and academic activities in a balanced manner, having a positive impact on students' understanding of the concepts of creed and morals. Furthermore, this research proves that the Religious Moderation Approach contributes positively to student development, creating a holistic learning environment. Increased students' understanding of religious and moral principles manifests itself in changes in daily attitudes and behaviors, including increased tolerance, mutual respect, and adoption of moral behavior. This finding supports the idea that the Religious Moderation Approach not only strengthens the religious aspects of students but also provides a solid foundation for the formation of Islamic character and values in Islamic education at MTs Terpadu Al-Azhfar North Gorontalo

