Kontruksi Pemikiran Keagamaan tentang Nilai-Nilai Nasionalisme Pada Penceramah di Masjid Agung Surakarta dan Sukoharjo


  • Moh Abdul Kholiq Hasan IAIN Surakarta
  • Kamila Adnani
  • Moh. Mahbub



Kata Kunci:

nasionalisme, penceramah di solo, sukoharjo, keagamaan solo


This is a field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. This research aims at understanding the construction of religious thought about the values of nationalism and nationalism insights by preachers at the Great Mosque of Surakarta and Sukoharjo. The results of the study indicate that the constructs of religious thought by the preachers can be divided into two types. First, fundamentalist preachers; Nationalist thought which always makes religious texts the only foothold, too idealized and normative footing, like HTI and Salafi preachers. Second, moderate preachers; Nationalist thought which do not make religious texts the only basis but also saw reality and maqashid sharia, flexible and realistic, like Tarbiyah-PKS and NU preachers. Nationalism insights cover five main points of nationalism values, namely the Pancasila, the love of the homeland and the Republic of Indonesia, tolerance and diversity, democracy and deliberation, respect for the red and white flag and the national anthem. In general the preachers accept and support those.  Only HTI and Salafi do not accept democracy which is, on their mind, contrary to Islam. HTI accepts the concept of the NKRI but under the auspices of the Caliphate.





