Tipologi Penafsiran Kemenag Tentang Ayat-Ayat Kebinekaan; Analisis Tafsir Kebinekaan Tematik Kemenag Tipologi Penafsiran Kemenag tentang Ayat¬-ayat Kebinekaan (Tinjauan Analisis Tafsir Kebinekaan Tematik Kemenag)

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najmutsaqib Nur Khoiri
adesurya Slamet Wahyudi


This study discusses the interpretation of the Ministry of Religion’s Thematic Interpretation of the material of diversity (kebinnekaan) and the typology of the interpretation model of its interpretation. This research departs from the compilation of the Thematic Interpretation of the Ministry of Religion which is carried out collectively, and is motivated by the problems of diversity in Indonesia. On the other hand, this research also departs from the narrowing of the community paradigm regarding diversity, as well as the lack of discussion about diversity from the point of view of theological sources. This study tries to analyze the dimensions of diversity that exist in Indonesia through the work of thematic interpretation on the theme of diversity compiled by the Ministry of Religion through Lajnah Pentashih al Qur’an. Likewise, analyzing the typology of interpretation used by the Ministry of Religion in interpreting verses related to diversity. This study tries to use an interpretive typology approach promoted by Sahiron Syamsuddin, namely quasi objectivist tradisionalist, quasi subjectivist, and quasi objectivist modernist. In general, The Thematic Interpretation of the Ministry of Religion with the theme of diversity itself is included in the third type, namely quasi objectivist modernist. This can be seen from the style of interpretation that leads to socio-social nuances in this case the context of contemporary Indonesia society, but also does not leave the disclosure of the original meaning (linguistics) of the text.

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How to Cite
Nur Khoiri, najmutsaqib, & Slamet Wahyudi, adesurya. (2023). Tipologi Penafsiran Kemenag Tentang Ayat-Ayat Kebinekaan; Analisis Tafsir Kebinekaan Tematik Kemenag: Tipologi Penafsiran Kemenag tentang Ayat¬-ayat Kebinekaan (Tinjauan Analisis Tafsir Kebinekaan Tematik Kemenag). Farabi, 20(1), 45–70. https://doi.org/10.30603/jf.v20i1.2592


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