Sufisme dan Neo Sufisme dalam Pendidikan Islam

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Rahmat Haluty
Munirah Munirah


This article elaborates on Sufism and neosufism which are included in the study of Sufism. That the Muslims in the past carried out and practiced it towards the path of truth based on the Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, Sufism and neosufism are proposed in the view of Islamic education by using the library approach method. Based on this literature research, it can be understood that Sufism in this post-modern era aims to fulfill human spiritual needs that science and technology cannot provide. Then neosufism is an esoteric Islam that wants to live an active life and be involved in social problems. However, in Islamic education, it is necessary to teach Sufism critically and Islamic education should be able to direct human life to reach the degree of piety. Because with his piety it will show his human soul. In the field of education, Sufism in Indonesia, according to Shihab, is that Islamic boarding schools under the auspices of NU are the strongest representation of the spread of Sufism's influence in the world of Islamic education. Shihab asserted that through pesantren Sufism progressed rapidly.

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How to Cite
Haluty, R., Munirah, M., & Kahar. (2023). Sufisme dan Neo Sufisme dalam Pendidikan Islam. Farabi, 20(1), 71–84.


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