Scopus Citedness

30 documents have been cited in Scopus indexed journals.

4 documents have cited:

The Effect of Spin-off Policy on Financing Growth in Indonesian Islamic Banking Industry

Al-Arif M.N.R. (2015) Journal Al-Ulum, 15 (1) , pp. 173-184.


Islamic banking structure post spin-off policy: Indonesian perspective

Yuspin, W.AbsoriNurwanti, Y.D.


International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change

12(2), pp. 374-391

Spin-off policy and efficiency in the Indonesian islamic banking industry

Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Haribowo, I.Suherlan, A.


Banks and Bank Systems

13(1), pp. 1-10

Spin-off and market share in the indonesian islamic banking industry: A difference in difference analysis

Al Arif, M.N.R.


Management and Marketing

12(4), pp. 540-551

The Islamic banking spin-off: Lessons from Indonesian Islamic banking experiences

Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Nachrowi, N.D.Nasution, M.E.Zakir Mahmud, T.M.


Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics

30(2), pp. 117-133


4 documents have cited:

The Influence of Service Quality, Religious Commitment and Trust on The Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty and Decision to do The Transaction in Mandiri Sharia Bank of Jawa Timur

Hidayat R., Akhmad S. (2015) Al-Ulum, 15 (1) , pp. 57-90.


The Role of Halal Brand Relationship Quality Towards Relational, Utility Value and Halal Brand Resonance

Khan, M.A.Hashim, S.B.Bhutto, M.Y.


International Journal of Business and Society

23(1), pp. 1-18

An empirical analysis of young adult Kuwaiti nationals’ intention to travel to non-Muslim countries

Reisinger, Y.Crotts, J.C.


Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

20(1-2), pp. 241-272

Factors affecting customers’ satisfaction and loyalty in Sharia financing for small and medium enterprises

FachruraziSilalahi, S.A.F.Ade Surya, T.Fahham, A.M.


International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

29(6), pp. 1391-1403

Analyzing students’ loyalty through service quality, commitment, and reputation

Tusyanah, T.Fadlilah, A.Khafid, M.


International Journal of Business and Management Science

10(2), pp. 147-167



4 documents have cited:

Pendidikan Untuk Pengembangan Karakter (Telaah Terhadap Gagasan Thomas Lickona Dalam Educating for Character)


(2014) Al-Ulum., 14 (1) , pp. 269-288.


The development of character and scientific knowledge of students through inquiry-based learning neuroscience approach

AsriyadinYulianci, S.Adiansha, A.A., (...), Liliawati, W.Muliana


Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Character education model for junior high school students based on java ethnopedagogic

Suciptaningsih, O.A.Haryati, T.


International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research

9(2), pp. 201-210

The effect of using simulation on developing students' character education in learning economics

Amri, F.Djatmika, E.T.Wahyono, H.Widjaja, S.U.M.


International Journal of Instruction

13(4), pp. 375-392

Evaluating the E-Learning on Students' Character: Blended Learning Model as a Strategy to Improve Students' Character

Wardani, F.Suparmi, S.Aminah, N.S.


Journal of Physics: Conference Series



3 documents have cited:

Pembentukan karakter melalui pendidikan agama islam

Ainiyah N. (2013) Jurnal Al-Ulum, 13 (1) ,pp. 25-38.


Believe in Literature: Character Education for Indonesia's Youth

MuassomahAbdullah, I.Istiadah, (...), Masnawi, N.Sohrah


Universal Journal of Educational Research

8(6), pp. 2223-2231

Environmental awareness content for character education in grade 10 in Indonesian language student textbooks

Rahmawati, L.E.Niasih, A.Kusmanto, H.Prayitno, H.J.


International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change

(4), pp. 161-174

Beyond School Reach: Character Education in Three Schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abdullah, I.Hudayana, B.SetiadiKutanegara, P.M.Indiyanto, A.


Journal of Educational and Social Research

9(3), pp. 145-159




3 documents have cited:

Religiuitas dan kepercayaan masyarakat bugis-Makasar

Pabbajah M.(2012) Al-Ulum, 12 (2) , pp. 397-418.


Qur'anic Interpretation of Ashura Day Celebrations in Mappasagena Culture of Buginese Community of South Sulawesi - Indonesia

Miswar, A.Qudsy, S.Z.Abdullah, I.Basri, H.Hasan, H.


Cogent Arts and Humanities


Pilgrimage to bawakaraeng mountain among the Bugis-Makassar in Indonesia: A contestation between islamic identity and local tradition

Pabbajah, M.Abdullah, I.Jubba, H.Taufiq Hidayat Pabbajah, M.Said, Z.


International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage

9(1), pp. 178-190

Myths, islamic view, and science concepts: The constructed education and knowledge of solar eclipse in Indonesia

Haristiani, N.Aryanti, T.Nandiyanto, A.B.D.Sofiani, D.


Journal of Turkish Science Education

14(4), pp. 35-47



2 documents have cited:

Islam Nusantara: Islam Khas dan Akomodasiterhadap Budaya Lokal

Susanto E., Karimullah K.(2021) Al-Ulum, 16 i , pp. 56-80.


Fiqh reconsidered: Indigenization and universalization of islamic law in Indonesia

Lohlker, R.


Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society

7(1), pp. 188-208

Virtual pesantren: New trend of Islamic education model in Indonesia

Mukhibat, M.Ghafar, M.


International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change

5(2), pp. 105-117


2 documents have cited:

Praktik ekonomi Islam pada komunitas keagamaan di Sulawesi Selatan

Pabbajah M. (2017) Al-Ulum, 17 (1) , pp. 143-165.


Local wisdom utilization in the industrial dispute settlement: Sara Wanua as a social conflict resolution for workers in Indonesia

Ashadi, D.L.Mustaqim, P.Kamaruddin, (...), Fajar, W.W.Zainal, S.


African Journal of Social Work

12(1), pp. 31-41

Existence and coexistence of the Muslim migrants: the ecopolitics roles in Papua

Jubba, H.Abdullah, I.Fasisal, (...), Pabbajah, M.Yamin, A.


Social Identities

28(3), pp. 343-364


2 documents have cited:

Leadership Style in Character Education at The Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding Dacholfany M. Ihsan(2015) Al-Ulum, 15 (2) , pp. 447.


Social enterprise and waqf: An alternative sustainable vehicle for Islamic social finance (  Book Chapter)

Kasri, N.S.Ismail, S.F.A.


Foundations of a Sustainable Economy: Moral, Ethical and Religious Perspectives

pp. 288-307

Imam Zarkasyi's modernization of pesantren in Indonesia: (A case study of darussalam gontor)

Zarkasyi, H.F.


Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies

8(1), pp. 161-200



2 documents have cited:

Economics ethics in the fatwa of Islamic economics

Maksum M. (2015) Al-Ulum-Journal of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, 15 (1) , pp. 107-134.


The Determinants of Potential Failure of Islamic Peer-to-Peer Lending: Perceptions of Stakeholders in Indonesia

Muhammad, R.Fakhrunnas, F.Hanun, A.K.


Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business

8(2), pp. 981-992

Ethics Of mufti In the declaration of fatwa according to Islam

Khairuldin, W.M.K.F.W.Anas, W.N.W.I.N.Embong, A.H., (...), Hanapi, M.S.Ismail, D.


Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues

22(5), pp. 1-6


2 documents have cited:

Kajang, a picture of modesty: An Indonesian local belief

Akifah A., Mukrimin, Kajang (2012) Al-Ulum, 12 (1) , pp. 117-128.


Local knowledge of traditional medicinal plants use and education system on their young of ammatoa kajang tribe in south sulawesi, indonesia

Azis, S.Zubaidah, S.Mahanal, S.Batoro, J.Sumitro, S.B.



21(9), pp. 3989-4002

Indigenous village governance: Lessons from Indonesia

Nas, J.NurlinahHaryanto


Public Administration Issues

2019(6), pp. 94-104


2 documents have cited:

Wacana Kesetaraan Gender: Pemikiran Islam Kontemporer tentang Gerakan Feminisme Islam Muqoyyidin A.W. (2013) Al-Ulum, 13 (2) , pp. 490-511.


Discourse of ideal Muslim family in South Asia: Reification and adaptation

KusmanaHermansyah, T.


Journal of Critical Reviews

7(1), pp. 29-40

The problems of gender equality: A reconstruction of Islamic doctrine

Supriyadi, T.Julia, J.Firdaus, E.


Journal of Social Studies Education Research

10(2), pp. 91-110