Uang Panai dan Investasi (studi pada nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam perkawinan Suku Bugis Makassar)


  • Juhasdi Susono Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Furqan Makassar
  • Abdul Rahim Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bone
  • Amiruddin K Amiruddin K Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makasar
  • St Habibah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Furqan Makassar
  • Markuna Markuna Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Furqan Makassar


Kata Kunci:

uang panai, insvestasi, bugis, makassar


Uang panai ’is a distinctive culture (local wisdom) possed by the Bugis-Makassar tribe in carrying out marriages. The importance of the position of uang panai 'in the custom of Bugis-Makassar marriage tangible becomes an obligation for men to be handed over to women, and can be the cause of the cancellation of marriage if there is no agreement between the two parties regarding the amount of panai money'. This paper exists to describe the phenomenon of panai money 'as investment capital for women in the Bugis-Makassar community. The method used is descriptive qualitative based on field research with an interdisciplinary approach (economic, social and cultural). The results of this study describe that the 'panai money' phenomenon is made an investment as a solution to the use of panai money 'in wedding parties / receptions in excess (mubazzir). Even though this phenomenon is still contradictory among experts and community leaders.




