Konstruksi Media terhadap Pemberitaan Kasus Perempuan Koruptor


  • Hadiati E
  • Irwan Abdullah
  • Wening Udasmoro

Kata Kunci:

Perempuan, Korupsi, Media TV, TV


Mass media are not free channels because they sometimes portrait and interprete news unlike its reality. Moreover, mass media are frequently construct a reality which are that out of context. It is not surprising; therefore, that every day an ongoing case-basis can be seen how the same event are treated differently by the mass media. This paperĀ  assesses the issues of corruption which invoves women. Coverage of women perpetrators of corruption are heavily empasised bigger with interests outside substance of corroption itself. For example, reporting oncorruption cases invloving Gayus Tambunan and Angelina Sondakh have different presentation. Gayus Tambunan was always positioned as an intelligent person, could face case, tough, and not delt with domestic isssues; while the news over Anggelina Sondakh always associated with her personal life.




