Religion Based-Anti-Corruption Education (An Effort to Strengthen Nation’s Character)


  • Kasinyo Harto

Kata Kunci:

Anti Korupsi, Amanah, Karakter Bangsa, Keadilan


Religion has been understood as a normative-textual doctrine, which teaches faith and devotion; but it doesn’t touch reality. This leads to a lack of people’s awareness of social issues, such as corruption. Therefore, this study attempts to see how far the reality of religious society can be accommodated in the Anti-Corruption Education. This paper is a library research to be applied in collecting data on theories of anti-corruption education in religious perspective through social reconstruction approach. The data were analyzed and elaborated into paradigmatic principles as the basis of religion based-anti-corruption education. Religion based-anti-corruption education is highly feasible to apply in the  learning process through internalization of religious values with themes of trustworthiness and fairness, and integrative-synthesis approach, scientific and spiritual approachs, in order to strengthen nation's character.




