Conservation Buru Language: Preservation Efforts To Local Language

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Nanik Handayani


The condition of the hurried language is increasingly experiencing shifts
that can lead to extinction. This study aims to (1) reveal the Buru language
condition during society, (2) determine the factors causing the change in the Buru
language, and (3) find solutions to tackle the Buru language from the threat of
extinction. This study is a type of field research with a qualitative approach and
uses phenomenology design. This study was conducted in Namlea District, Buru
Regency. Data are collected by means of interviewing, recording, and
documentation techniques then analyzed using reduction, presentation, verification,
and conclusion methods. The results show that the condition of the language
rushed from time to time has experienced a shift. Of course, this impacts the purity
of the Buru language itself if it is not addressed immediately. One of the causes of
the change in Buru's speech is that most of the interviewed informants stated that
they no longer used hastened language in their life. Based on this, the solution that
can be done to save the Buru language from the threat of extinction is to conserve
the Buru language by intensifying the Buru language's use in various aspects of



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How to Cite
Handayani, N. (2021). Conservation Buru Language: Preservation Efforts To Local Language. Al-Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa (e-Journal), 6(1), 12–21.


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