Realia-Mediated Instruction: An Effective Tool for Improving Young Learners' Vocabulary Skills

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Muhammad Safdar Bhatti
Alvons Habibie
Shaista Noreen
Sabir Hussain
Shahla Bajwa


A foreign language teacher often employs realia to strengthen pupils' association between words and objects. The current study investigates real-life activities that improve vocabulary learning in the English language and the impact of realia on improving students' vocabulary learning performance. It was an experimental study with only post-test design. Forty students participated in the study. The data were collected and analyzed statistically. The results revealed that vital activities used for vocabulary development were menu selection, game recognition, picture identification, activity identification, magazine adds understanding, and identification of cities and map reading, respectively. It was evident that the experimental group performed better when compared with the control group. The study suggested that students may focus their attention, stimulate their interest, give them real impact, make them aware, and modernize their language learning through vocabulary improvement.


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Cara Mengutip
Bhatti, M. S., Habibie, A., Noreen , S. ., Hussain, S. ., & Bajwa, S. . (2021). Realia-Mediated Instruction: An Effective Tool for Improving Young Learners’ Vocabulary Skills. Al-Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa, 6(2), 157–166.
Biografi Penulis

Muhammad Safdar Bhatti, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Dr. Muhammad Safdar Bhatti is an ELT expert with 26 years IELTS & TEFL teaching and training experience. He has widely published in numerous peer reviewed research journals, authored four books, supervised extensively & has delivered keynote and plenary speeches at various International forums. He has conducted and attended scores of ELT workshops and seminars within the country. He has been awarded Honorary Doctorate in ELT and Applied Linguistics by an American University due to his remarkable services in the field of ELT. He is a recipient of “National Human Rights Professional Award-2016” by IHRO, Islamabad-Pakistan. He is also awarded certificate of pride and honour by Arab Translators Association Palestine. He is among 128 intellectuals, educators and scholars from all over the world who got this certificate. Currently he is teaching in The Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan.

Alvons Habibie, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Alvons Habibie is an English Lecturer in English Education Study Program of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo.


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