Innovation of Interactive Tests in Maharah Kitabah in Class VIII Arabic Textbooks

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Okitra Asri Nurazim
R Umi Baroroh


Tests or evaluations applied by teachers or educators in various educational institutions are still considered less interesting and tend to be monotonous, so there is no intense interaction between educators and students in the evaluation process carried out. Often, students  feel bored with ordinary tests or text forms that are rigid and monotonous, so there needs to be an update in the model or form of tests that are interactive, innovative, fun, and not boring for students. The purpose of this research is to develop various models of interactive Arabic tests or quizzes so that Arabic learning becomes more interesting and fun. This study uses literature research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Secondary data used as a data source, with data collection techniques in the form of documentation. And the result of this research is  that there are various forms or models of interactive tests that can be utilized by teachers or instructors of the Arab language,  either by developing their own using several computer-based applications or by utilizing website-based test or quiz applications that already exist on the Internet, where some of these applications can be accessed for free (free).


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Cara Mengutip
Nurazim, O. A., & Baroroh, R. U. (2024). Innovation of Interactive Tests in Maharah Kitabah in Class VIII Arabic Textbooks. Al-Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa, 9(1), 66–83.


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